Happy Black Woman – Where art thou?

Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you’ve got to make yourself.” – Alice Walker If you were to look around you’ll notice a huge pool of black women who are evidently black, proud, beautiful, but most importantly happy. For so long the media portrayed the blackContinueContinue reading “Happy Black Woman – Where art thou?”

14 Lessons From Maya Angelou

For many, like myself, Maya Angelou has been a mentor, a mother, or a grandmother. She lived through life and took on many challenges which now her lessons have strengthened, inspired, healed many. Maya Angelou is one of the most profound and celebrated voices known. When I was younger although I owned several of herContinueContinue reading “14 Lessons From Maya Angelou”


It’s the last day of 2014 and I couldn’t be more thankful for having made it this far. Like every other year, this one was filled with plenty of ups and downs, laughs and tears, new found relationships along with a couple lost ones, many faith checks, nights of being spiritually deprived and plenty of days filledContinueContinue reading “2015 – I AM ALL YOURS NOW”

Leaving Closed Doors Closed

Most of the time life will force you back into the things you tried to run away from. Right when you start functioning like your normal self and you’re over a specific situation you begin to feel like you can’t go on with out reminiscing over it. Lately, this is what I’ve been dealing with. ThisContinueContinue reading “Leaving Closed Doors Closed”

Wanderlust: a strong unfulfilled desire to travel

All I want to do right now is buy a plane ticket to anywhere else preferably Denmark or London or South Africa or Dubai, somewhere I’ve never been before. Packing my life away in a backpack and jetting off to some foreign country. I want to wake up somewhere new and wander around the streetsContinueContinue reading “Wanderlust: a strong unfulfilled desire to travel”